3. High-uniformity magnetic field configurations for trapped
and optical verification
Summer 2023 research thesis download.
2. High-uniformity magnetic field
optimization for trapped-ion quantum devices, 2023.
Research with Cornell University Photonics and Quantum Electronics Group, advised by Prof.
Karan Mehta.
Invited first-author presentation at IEEE MIT Undergraduate Research Conference 2023.
Invited first-author presentation at Cornell Undergraduate Research Board Fall Forum 2023.
Poster found here.
1. Validation of
ion trap for high-coherence
quantum information processing, 2023.
Research with Cornell University Photonics and Quantum Electronics Group, advised by Prof.
Karan Mehta.
Co-authored with Andrea Miramontes Serrano.
Invited presentation at Cornell Quantum Computing Association Qiskit Fall Fest 2023.